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The Facts About Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

Temporomandibular joint disorder, also known as TMD, is not just one condition, but it shows its effect in a group. Usually, TMB affects the jaw joint, making it difficult for a person to chew, open the mouth wide, yawn, or generally the activity in which we use the jaws. The person feels pain or soreness in the frontal region of the ear, along with the jaw muscle, cheek, teeth, which may also accompany TMD. In such cases, I always recommend people to visit an expert for TMJ temporomandibular joint disorder near Gaithersburg.

What is the cause of TMJ

1. If you feel discomfort or pain in the jaw, neck and shoulder muscles,

2. Whenever there is jaw dislocation or a displaced disc, there is a probability for TMD. 

3. A degenerative joint disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis, may also lead to TMJ.

4. TMD is commonly a severe jaw injury or injury during a sporting activity, or with excessive gum chewing.



An expert for TMJ temporomandibular joint disorder near Gaithersburg treats by:

1. Applying ice or heat treatment to minimize the pain. Ice is helpful to decrease the pain, especially after the injury has occurred. 

2. Experts always advise avoiding harmful joint movements, such as eating large-sized sandwiches, burgers. Avoid mouth to open too wide, and thus, destabilize the jaw.

3. TMJ experts recommend specific exercises. Various stretching exercises helps to loosen tight muscles, whereas strengthening exercises helps to tighten muscles. 

4. Exerts design an appropriate course of treatment for your TMD.


One thing which must be kept in mind is that never consult a local chiropractor for jaw disorder always try consulting a professional TMJ temporomandibular joint disorder near you to get better results

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